Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero When Build Abinit 8.10.3 With MKL+MAGMA  [SOLVED]

option, parallelism,...

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Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/ in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
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Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero When Build Abinit 8.10.3 With MKL+MAGMA  [SOLVED]

Post by ibnusyuhadap3 » Sun Feb 23, 2020 3:15 am

I tried many times to configure abinit 8.10.3 then build it. However, it is still give error message Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero. My complete script configure as follow

Code: Select all

# Generic config file for ABINIT (documented template)
# After editing this file to suit your needs, you may save it as
# "~/.abinit/build/<hostname>.ac" to keep these parameters as per-user
# defaults. Just replace "<hostname>" by the name of your machine,
# excluding the domain name.
# Example: if your machine is called "myhost.mydomain", you will save
#          this file as "~/.abinit/build/".
# You may put this file at the top level of an ABINIT source tree as well,
# in which case its definitions will apply to this particular tree only.
# Hint: If you do not know the name of your machine, just type "hostname".

# 1. Setting CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, or FCFLAGS manually is not
#    recommended and will override any setting made by the build system.
#    A gentler way to do is to use the CFLAGS_EXTRA, CXXFLAGS_EXTRA and
#    FCFLAGS_EXTRA environment variables, or to override only one kind
#    of flags. See the sections dedicated to C, C++ and Fortran below
#    for details.
# 2. Do not forget to remove the leading "#" on a line when you customize
#    an option.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Global build options                                                         #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Enable 64-bit compiler flags (default is no)
# Note: when necessary, fine-grained tuning may be achieved by setting
#       FCFLAGS_64BITS variables manually.

# Enable debug mode (default is basic)
# Allowed values:
#     * no       : strip debugging symbols
#     * yes      : keep debugging symbols and allow for user-defined flags
#     * basic    : add '-g' option when the compiler allows for it
#     * verbose  : like basic + definition of the DEBUG_VERBOSE CPP option
#     * enhanced : disable optimizations and debug verbosely
#     * paranoid : enhanced debugging with additional warnings
#     * naughty  : paranoid debugging with array bound checks
# Levels other than no and yes are "profile mode" levels in which
# user-defined flags are overriden and optimizations disabled (see
# below)
# Note: debug levels are incremental, i.e. the flags of one level are
# appended to those of the previous ones

# Enable compiler hints (default is yes)
# Allowed values:
#     * no       : do not apply any hint
#     * yes      : apply all available hints

# Select optimization level whenever possible (default is standard,
# except when debugging is in profile mode - see above - in which case
# optimizations are turned off)
# Supported levels:
#     * no         : disable optimizations
#     * yes        : enable optimizations with user-defined flags
#     * safe       : build slow and very reliable code
#     * standard   : build fast and reliable code
#     * aggressive : build very fast code, regardless of reliability
# Levels other than no and yes are "profile mode" levels in which
# user-defined flags are overriden
# Note:
#     * this option is ignored when debugging is in profile mode

# Disable vectorization with AVX-enable processor in problematic procedures

# Where to install ABINIT (default is /usr/local)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# C support                                                                    #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# C preprocessor (should not be set in most cases)

# C preprocessor custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# C preprocessor custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# C preprocessor additional custom flags

# Forced C preprocessor flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

                       # ------------------------------ #

# C compiler

# C compiler custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# C compiler custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# C compiler additional custom flags

# Forced C compiler flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# C linker custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# C linker custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# C linker additional custom flags

# Forced C linker flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# C linker custom debug libraries (when enable_debug=yes)

# C linker custom optimization libraries (when enable_optim=yes)

# C linker additional custom libraries

# Forced C linker libraries
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# C++ support                                                                  #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Note: the XPP* environment variables will likely have no effect

# C++ preprocessor (should not be set in most cases)

# C++ preprocessor custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# C++ preprocessor custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# C++ preprocessor additional custom flags

# Forced C++ preprocessor flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

                       # ------------------------------ #

# C++ compiler

# C++ compiler custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# C++ compiler custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# C++ compiler additional custom flags

# Forced C++ compiler flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# C++ linker custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# C++ linker custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# C++ linker additional custom flags

# Forced C++ linker flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# C++ linker custom debug libraries (when enable_debug=yes)

# C++ linker custom optimization libraries (when enable_optim=yes)

# C++ linker additional custom libraries

# Forced C++ linker libraries
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Fortran support                                                              #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Fortran preprocessor (should not be set in most cases)

# Fortran preprocessor custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# Fortran preprocessor custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# Fortran preprocessor additional custom flags

# Forced Fortran preprocessor flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Fortran compiler

# Fortran 77 compiler (addition for the Windows/Cygwin environment)

# Fortran compiler custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# Fortran compiler custom OpenMP flags

# Fortran compiler custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# Fortran compiler additional custom flags

# Forced Fortran compiler flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# Fortran flags for fixed-form source files

# Fortran flags for free-form source files

# Fortran compiler flags to use a module directory

# Tricky Fortran compiler flags

# Fortran linker custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# Fortran linker custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# Fortran linker custom flags

# Forced Fortran linker flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# Fortran linker custom debug libraries (when enable_debug=yes)

# Fortran linker custom optimization libraries (when enable_optim=yes)

# Fortran linker additional custom libraries

# Forced Fortran linker libraries
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Use C clock instead of Fortran clock for timings (default is no)

# Wrap Fortran compiler calls (default is auto-detected)
# Combine this option with enable_debug="yes" to keep preprocessed source
# files (they are removed by default, except if their build fails)

# Choose whether to read file lists from standard input or "ab.files"
# (default is yes = standard input)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Python support                                                               #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flags to pass to the Python interpreter (default is unset)

# Preprocessing flags for C/Python bindings

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Build customization                                                          #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Enable the build of macroave (default is yes)

# Set per-directory Fortran optimizations (useful when a Fortran compiler
# crashes during the build)
# Note: this option is not available through the command line

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Libraries and linking                                                        #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Set archiver name

# Archiver custom debug flags (when enable_debug=yes)

# Archiver custom optimization flags (when enable_optim=yes)

# Archiver additional custom flags

# Forced archiver flags
# Note: will override build-system configuration - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!
#ARFLAGS="-X 32_64"

# Some def introduced for MINGW/WINDOW$
# Set generator of index to archive

# Set generator of list symbols from object files

# Set the linker

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# MPI support                                                                  #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Determine whether to build parallel code (default is auto)
# Permitted values:
#   * auto : let the configure script auto-detect MPI support
#   * no   : disable MPI support
#   * yes  : enable MPI support
# If left unset, the build system will take all appropriate decisions by
# itself, and MPI will be enabled only if the build environment supports
# it. If set to "yes", the configure script will stop if it does not find
# a working MPI environment.

# Activate the MPI_IN_PLACE option whenever possible (default is no)
# WARNING: this feature requires MPI2, ignored if the MPI library
# is not MPI2 compliant.

# Activate parallel I/O (default is auto)
# Permitted values:
#   * auto : let the configure script auto-detect MPI I/O support
#   * no   : disable MPI I/O support
#   * yes  : enable MPI I/O support
# If left unset, the build system will take all appropriate decisions by
# itself, and MPI I/O will be enabled only if the build environment supports
# it. If set to "yes", the configure script will stop if it does not find
# a working MPI I/O environment.

# Enable MPI-IO mode in Abinit (use MPI-IO as default IO library,
# change the default values of iomode)   
# Beware that not all the features of Abinit support MPI-IO,
# This options is mainly used by developers for debugging purposes.

# Include flags for the MPI library (default is unset)

# Set MPI standard level (default is auto-detected)
# Note: usually 1 for MPICH or LAM, 2 for OpenMPI
# Supported levels:
#   * 1 : use 'mpif.h' header
#   * 2 : use mpi Fortran module

# Link flags for the MPI library (default is unset)
#with_mpi_libs="-L/usr/local/lib -lmpi"

# Convenience option: try to set MPI parameters by looking into the
# specified directory (default is unset)
# Notes:
#   * the build system expects to find subdirectories named bin/, lib/,
#     include/ under the prefix;
#   * this option is mutually exclusive with the other with_mpi_*
#     options but with_mpi_level;
#   * when setting CC, CXX, and/or FC in conjunction with this option,
#     the MPI compiler wrappers are wrapped themselves, so that the
#     specified serial compilers are used when building Abinit.

# Set MPI runner for tests (default is unset)
# Note: replaces the former with_mpi_runner option

# Set serial runner for tests (default is unset)
# Note: this option has no effect yet

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# GPU support                                                                  #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Enable GPU library support (default is no)
# Requirement: go through README.GPU before doing anything
# Note: this is highly experimental - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# Flavor of the GPU library to use (default is cuda-single)
# Supported libraries:
#   * cuda-single : Cuda with single-precision arithmetic
#   * cuda-double : Cuda with double-precision arithmetic
#   * none        : not implemented (will replace enable_gpu)

# Include flags for the GPU library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the GPU library (default is unset)
#with_gpu_libs="-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcublas -lcufft -lcudart"

# Convenience option: try to set GPU parameters by looking into the
# specified directory (default is unset)
# Note 1: the build system expects to find subdirectories named bin/, lib/,
# include/ under the prefix
# Note 2: this option is mutually exclusive with the other with_gpu_*
# options

                       # ------------------------------ #

# The following options are used to build GPU code

# GPU C preprocessor flags (default is unset)

# GPU C compiler flags (default is unset)

# GPU C linker flags (default is unset)

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Advanced GPU options (experts only)

# In any case, the outcome of setting the following options is highly
# impredictible.

# nVidia C compiler (should not be set)

# Forced nVidia C compiler preprocessing flags (should not be set)

# Forced nVidia C compiler flags (should not be set)

# Forced nVidia linker flags (should not be set)

# Forced nVidia linker libraries (should not be set)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Connectors                                                                   #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# WARNING: when setting the value of a connector flavor to "custom",
#          the associated CPP options may be defined in an impredictable
#          manner by the build system. In particular, using
#          --with-linalg-flavor="custom" will systematically enable
#          support for ScaLAPACK. Checking which CPP options are
#          enabled by looking at the output of abinit is thus highly
#          recommended.

# Enable connectors (default is yes)
# When connectors are enabled, the build system of Abinit tries to link
# prioritarily with external libraries. In some cases, when
# unsuccessful, it can build an internal fallback instead (see the
# "Fallbacks" section below).
# Enabling connectors is necessary for packaging and is recommended in
# most other cases. Rely upon external optimized libraries is always smarter
# than embedding their source code, as their performance and integration
# within the local environment are usually significantly better.
# The connectors are associated to advanced detection mechanisms
# implemented in the build system of Abinit. On many architectures, if
# the corresponding libraries have been properly installed, specifying
# a flavor will suffice to enable the related features.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Timer library connector                                                      #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flavor of the timer library to use (default is papi)
# Supported libraries:
#   * abinit
#   * custom (bypass build-system checks)
#   * gptl   (not implemented)
#   * none   (disable timer support)
#   * papi

# Include flags for the timer library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the timer library (default is unset)
#with_timer_libs="-L/usr/local/lib/papi -lpapi"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Transferable I/O (TRIO) connector                                            #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flavor of transferable I/O library to support (default is netcdf)
# By transferable I/O (TRIO), we mean that the files produced by Abinit
# will be transferable seamlessly to other computers and codes
# Supported libraries:
#   * psml     : XML pseudopotential format io library
#   * netcdf   : NetCDF file format
#   * yaml     : YAML output
#   * none     : disable TRIO support
# You may specify any combination, using '+' as a separator

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Include flags for the psml library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the psml library (default is unset)
#with_psml_libs="-L/usr/local/lib/psml -lpsml"

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Include flags for the NetCDF library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the NetCDF library (default is unset)
#with_netcdf_libs="-L/usr/local/lib/netcdf -lnetcdff -lnetcdf"
# Enable Netcdf mode in Abinit (use netcdf as default IO library,
# change the default values of iomode)   

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Include flags for the YAML library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the YAML library (default is unset)
#with_yaml_libs="-L/opt/etsf/lib -lyaml_fortran"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# FFT connector                                                                #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flavor of FFT library to support (default is unset)
# Supported libraries:
#   * asl
#   * custom        (bypass build-system checks)
#   * fftw2
#   * fftw2-threads
#   * fftw3
#   * fftw3-mkl
#   * fftw3-threads
#   * fftw3-mpi     (highly experimental)
#   * dfti          (native MKL FFT library)
#   * dfti-threads  (threaded MKL FFT library)
#   * none          (disable external FFT support)
#   * sgimath
# Notes:
#   * By default, Abinit will use the internal Goedecker FFT library
#   * This connector is highly experimental - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

# Include flags for the FFT library (default is unset)
with_fft_incs="-I${MKLROOT}/include -I${MKLROOT}/include/intel64/ilp64 -I${MKLROOT}/include/fftw"

# Link flags for the FFT library (default is unset)
with_fft_libs="-L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64_lin -lmkl_blas95_ilp64 -lmkl_lapack95_ilp64 -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_gf_ilp64 -lmkl_gnu_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -lgomp -lpthread -lm -ldl -lstdc++ -lgfortran -lfftw3xc_gnu -lfftw3xf_gnu"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Linear algebra connector                                                     #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flavor of linear algebra libraries to use (default is netlib)
# Supported libraries:
#   * acml      : AMD Core Math Libraries
#   * asl       : NEC Advanced Scientific Library
#   * atlas     : Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
#   * custom    : just check user-specified libraries, do not try to
#                 detect their type
#   * essl      : IBM Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library
#   * elpa     : Eigen soLvers for Petaflops Applications
#   * goto      : TACC GOTOBLAS2 and Netlib's LAPACK
#   * magma     : Matrix Algebra on GPU and Multicore Architectures
#                 (MAGMA minimal version>=1.1.0, requires Cuda)
#   * mkl       : Intel Math Kernel Library
#   * mlib      : HP Mathematical Software Library
#   * netlib    : Netlib repository reference libraries
#   * none      : disable external linear algebra support
#   * plasma    : Parallel Linear Algebra for Scalable Multicore
#                 Architectures (requires MPI)
#                 *** SCHEDULED FOR ABINIT 6.14 ***
#   * scalapack : Netlib BLACS and ScaLAPACK libraries (require MPI)
#   * sgimath   : Silicon Graphics Scientific Mathematical Library
#   * sunperf   : Sun Performance Library
# Notes:
#   * you may combine "magma" and/or "plasma" and/or "scalapack" with
#     any other flavor, using '+' as a separator
#   * "custom" also works when the Fortran compiler provides a full
#     BLAS+LAPACK implementation internally (e.g. Lahey Fortran)
#   * the include and link flags for MAGMA and ScaLAPACK have to be
#     specified together with those of BLAS and LAPACK (see options below)
#   * please consult the MKL link line advisor if you experience
#     problems with MKL, by going to

# Include flags for the external linear algebra libraries (default is unset)
with_linalg_incs="-I/usr/local/magma/include -I${MKLROOT}/include -I${MKLROOT}/include/intel64/ilp64"

# Link flags for the external linear algebra libraries (default is unset)
with_linalg_libs="-L/usr/local/magma/lib -lmagma -lmagma_sparse -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64_lin -lmkl_blas95_ilp64 -lmkl_lapack95_ilp64 -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_gf_ilp64 -lmkl_gnu_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -lgomp -lpthread -lm -ldl -lstdc++ -lgfortran"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Algorithmic library connector                                                #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flavor of the algorithmic library to use (default is unset)
# Supported libraries:
#   * custom (bypass build-system checks)
#   * levmar
#   * none   (disable external algorithm support)

# Include flags for the algorithmic libraries (default is unset)

# Link flags for the algorithmic libraries (default is unset)
#with_algo_libs="-L/usr/local/lib -llevmar"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Mathematical library connector                                               #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flavor of the math library to use (default is none)
# Supported libraries:
#   * custom (bypass build-system checks)
#   * gsl
#   * mlib
#   * none   (disable external math support)

# Include flags for the math library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the math library (default is unset)
#with_math_libs="-L/usr/local/lib/gsl -lgsl"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# DFT library connector                                                        #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flavor of the DFT library to use (default is atompaw+bigdft+libxc+wannier90)
# Supported libraries:
#   * atompaw   : PAW dataset generation
#   * bigdft    : wavelets
#   * libxc     : exchange-correlation functionals
#   * none      : disable external DFT support
#   * wannier90 : Wannier functions
# You may specify any combination, using '+' as a separator

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Full path to the AtomPAW executables (default is unset)

# Include flags for the AtomPAW library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the AtomPAW library (default is unset)
#with_atompaw_libs="-L/usr/local/lib/atompaw -latompaw"

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Include flags for the BigDFT library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the BigDFT library (default is unset)
#with_bigdft_libs="-L/usr/local/lib/bigdft -lbigdft -lpoissonsolver -labinit"

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Include flags for the LibXC library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the LibXC library (default is unset)
#with_libxc_libs="-L/opt/etsf/lib -lxc"

                       # ------------------------------ #

# Full path to the Wannier90 executables (default is unset)

# Include flags for the Wannier90 library (default is unset)

# Link flags for the Wannier90 library (default is unset)
#with_wannier90_libs="-L${HOME}/lib/wannier90 -lwannier90"

# Flag to force wannier90 v1.x (autodetected by default, but may not work)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# LIBXML support
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Flag to enable LIBXML library

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# DMFT library connector                                                        #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Link with TRIQS library (for CTQMC and rotationally invariant interaction)
#    (default is no)
#    Different versions of TRIQS have differents API. Choose your installed 
#    version.
# Include flags for the TRIQS library (default is unset)
#with_triqs_incs="-I/usr/local/triqs/include -I/usr/local/cthyb/src/c++/"

# Link flags for the TRIQS library (default is unset)
#with_triqs_libs="-L/usr/local/triqs/lib -ltriqs -lcthyb_c"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Fallbacks                                                                    #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Fallbacks are external packages built within Abinit, in order to
# facilitate the development and testing of advanced features. They
# should in principle not be used in production, but replaced by the
# corresponding connector instead (see above sections).
# IMPORTANT NOTE: the source tarballs of fallbacks are downloaded from
#                 internet into ~/.abinit/tarballs/.

# Enable fallbacks (default is yes)
# Maintainers may use the following to force the build of fallbacks:
#   * force: will skip connector tests when fallbacks are available.
# Note: if you disable fallbacks, failing connectors will cause
# configure to abort.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Developer options                                                            #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Note: all the following options are disabled by default
#       (i.e. they have the complementary values to those displayed)

# Enable BSE unpacking (gmatteo)

# Enable exports (pouillon)

# Enable double precision for GW calculations (gmatteo)

# Enable memory profiling (waroquiers)

# Enable lotf (mancini)

# Enable OpenMP (gmatteo, torrent)

# Enable ZDOTC and ZDOTU bugfix (gmatteo)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Maintainer options                                                           #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Run test suite on 4 processors (default is no)

# Activate maintainer checks (default is no)

# Fortran compiler vendor to be used by the build system (default is unset)
# Note: do not use if you don't know what it is about

# Fortran compiler version to be used by the build system (default is unset)
# Note: do not use if you don't know what it is about

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Documentation options                                                        #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Markdown flags

# LaTeX flags

# DviPDF flags
the configure process was fine. but when build the error message always exists. Here is the snippet error

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/mpif90 -DHAVE_LIBXC -DHAVE_LIBPAW_BIGDFT -DHAVE_MPI -DHAVE_MPI1 -I. -I../..   -I/usr/include -I/home/ainiputra/Public/abinit-8.10.3/magma-mkl/fallbacks/exports/include -I./abi_geomoptim -I../../includes -ffree-form -g -ffree-line-length-none  -fopenmp  -g -O2 -I/usr/include -c -o abi_wrtout.o `test -f 'abi_lowlevel/abi_wrtout.F90' || echo './'`abi_lowlevel/abi_wrtout.F90

Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

  tag = MOD(n1,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

  tag = MOD(n1,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero

    my_tag = MOD(tag,MPI_TAG_UB)
Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero
Makefile:1715: recipe for target 'm_libpaw_mpi.o' failed
make[5]: *** [m_libpaw_mpi.o] Error 1
make[5]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/ainiputra/Public/abinit-8.10.3/magma-mkl/fallbacks/sources/bigdft-'
Makefile:537: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/ainiputra/Public/abinit-8.10.3/magma-mkl/fallbacks/sources/bigdft-'
Makefile:453: recipe for target 'all' failed
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/ainiputra/Public/abinit-8.10.3/magma-mkl/fallbacks/sources/bigdft-'
Makefile:1154: recipe for target 'stamps/bigdft-build-stamp' failed
make[2]: *** [stamps/bigdft-build-stamp] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/ainiputra/Public/abinit-8.10.3/magma-mkl/fallbacks'
Makefile:753: recipe for target 'all-local' failed
make[1]: [all-local] Error 2 (ignored)
Checking build of bigdft fallback
test -e stamps/bigdft-install-stamp
Makefile:753: recipe for target 'all-local' failed
make[1]: *** [all-local] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ainiputra/Public/abinit-8.10.3/magma-mkl/fallbacks'
Makefile:2817: recipe for target 'multi' failed
make: *** [multi] Error 2
I was build Magma and going fine. I also involve MKL in MAGMA and use the same LIB flag. Please help. Thank you.

Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:19 pm

Re: Error: Argument ‘P’ of MOD at (1) shall not be zero When Build Abinit 8.10.3 With MKL+MAGMA

Post by ibnusyuhadap3 » Tue Feb 25, 2020 2:50 am

I tried many times to solve this problem. My system is Ubuntu 18.04. The problem is on MPI. Abinit since 8.6.x version is not working for MPI that build with gfortran 7.x version. I was able to build abinit with openmpi that build with gfortran 5.5 version.

Thank you.
