ifort + abinit 6.8.2 = fail

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ifort + abinit 6.8.2 = fail

Post by roginovicci » Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:52 pm

I'm failed to run abinit compiled with ifort. The vertion of intel compiler:
> ifort -V
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 10.1 Build 20090203 Package ID: l_fc_p_10.1.022

when I run abinit I've got the following error:
Your architecture is not able to handle 8, 4 or 2-bytes FORTRAN file record markers!
You cannot use ABINIT and MPI/IO.
MPI_ERROR_STRING: Unknown error. Please file a bug report.
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 13) - process 0

abinit compiled with the following script:

Code: Select all

export MPI_OPTS="-I/usr/local/mpich2_intel/include"                                                               
export MPI_COMPILE_OPTS="$MPI_OPTS"                                                                               
export MPI_CLIBS="-L/usr/local/mpich2_intel/lib -lmpich -lrt"                                                     
export MPI_FLIBS="-L/usr/local/mpich2_intel/lib -lmpich -lfmpich"                                                 
export CXXFLAGS="${MPI_CLIBS}"                                                                                   
export CPPFLAGS="${MPI_CLIBS}"                                                                                   
export CFLAGS=${MPI_CLIBS}                                                                                       
export FCFLAGS="${MPI_CLIBS} -lfmpich"                                                                           

./configure --prefix=$INSTALLDIR --libdir=/usr/lib64 \                                                           
    --with-mpi-prefix=/usr/local/mpich2_intel \                                                                   
    --enable-mpi --enable-mpi-io --with-mpi-level=2


the version 6.0 was compiled the same way and it works. Since version 6.4 I can't compile and run abinit. Please help! :cry:

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Re: ifort + abinit 6.8.2 = fail

Post by jbeuken » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:59 pm


the version of mpich2 is 1.4.x ?

if yes, perhaps your problem is related of a problem with mpich2 not with abinit
then you can read this topic ( http://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/mpich2/changeset/8834 ) reproduced here :

Index: /mpich2/branches/release/mpich2-1.4.x/RELEASE_NOTES
--- /mpich2/branches/release/mpich2-1.4.x/RELEASE_NOTES (revision 7509)
+++ /mpich2/branches/release/mpich2-1.4.x/RELEASE_NOTES (revision 8834)
@@ -98,2 +98,10 @@
* MPI::ERRORS_RETURN may still throw exceptions in the event of an
error rather than silently returning.
+### Fortran 90:
+ * MPI-IO routines have been accidentally left out of the Fortran 90
+ module. This has been fixed in trunk (and will be reflected in
+ mpich2-1.5.x and later releases). It has not been fixed in the
+ 1.4.x releases to avoid breaking ABI.

Jean-Michel Beuken
Computer Scientist

Posts: 75
Joined: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:36 pm

Re: ifort + abinit 6.8.2 = fail

Post by roginovicci » Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:00 am

No the mpich is 1.2 should I ask to upgrade up to 1.4?

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Re: ifort + abinit 6.8.2 = fail

Post by jbeuken » Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:07 pm


roginovicci wrote:No the mpich is 1.2 should I ask to upgrade up to 1.4?

can you try first with the version 1.3.2p1 ?

if you want to use the version 1.4.1p1 , see before the thread :http://forum.abinit.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1206

Jean-Michel Beuken
Computer Scientist
