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ABINIT v9.0.2 beta release

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:43 pm
by gonze
Dear ABINIT users,

ABINITv9.0.2 is available, see the Web page .

*** This release of ABINIT is a beta release ***

It is released in order for the developers to get feedback of users, especially concerning the installation of ABINIT, related scripts and documentation. People with little skills in installing libraries on their computers are discouraged to switch to v9.0.2. ABINITv8.10.3 stays available on the ABINIT Web site.

Please read carefully the , especially sections A.1 and B.5 .
For the new features of v9.0 compared to v8.10, please, see also, especially sections A.2 and B. There are many large changes, some of which break backwards compatibility. For the list of contributors, see the above-mentioned release notes.

Have fun !
